About Positrak
If you’re an independent parts store looking for a computer system, you have a few options. But the clear choice is Positrak: the most successful jobber management system of the past decade.
Since July 2012, we have sold and installed more than 440 systems for independent auto parts stores and hardware stores across the US. But the most telling number is this: in that same time frame, we have lost only one customer to a competitor. Out of 440+, only one has said, “I just can’t make the transition to Positrak.”
Our satisfaction rate is so high that we don’t have to lock customers into long-term contracts. When you choose to go with Positrak, we expect that you’ll be pleased with that decision, and that you’ll be a long term customer without being contractually required to be so.
We just think differently than our competitors.
Because of that, we have a 40-year legacy of happy, healthy customers. By and large, Positrak customers are pleased with what we’re doing, and say, “this is the kind of company – these are the kind of people we want to partner with.”
We provide jobber systems to independents. This is all we do. We are hyper focused on the success of independent jobbers. We realize if you’re not around – we’re not around – so we have a vested interest in your success.